Tertulia #7 - Conversations with Makela - The Tango Warm Up - Introduction

Getting ready for the beautiful dance.

Any dance performer knows that 90 percent of the performance starts in the camerino. The moment they arrive, put their things in a hanger, get into their make up stand, and start getting ready. First, they apply the make up, then they do their hair, then they put on the costumes slowly. It is a ritual, and for the true artist, it is the most important part of the show.

The TANGO WARM UP sounds simple and insignificant. However, I would like to argue that it is the most important part of the tango class.  I know that sometimes you let the 405, or the 10 (Los Angeles freeways tend to be trafficky sometimes) to be on your way of your warm up. You have a life out there, your work, your family, your pets, your friends, your hobbies, the everyday tasks like preparing food, grocery shopping, so much stuff.

Allow enough time to arrive on time to your tango class, get there 5-10 m earlier and take some time to socialize of course, one of the important aspects of enjoying tango. Then, use one to two minutes to connect with yourself. Close your eyes, find your center, ground your feet on the floor, and take 10 deep breaths.

My classes at Makela Tango start the warm up without talking. By doing so, I emphasize the importance of connecting with your body without involving engaging your brain / head/ thoughts.

Tango requires that you connect yourself to your body, in a very instinctual and pure way.

In the future blogs I will give you the 11 elements that are addressed and worked on during the Makela Tango warm up. The first five elements are done by yourself to prepare your body, mind, emotions and soul to the beautiful tango dance. The other six are the actual warm up.  Next blog coming soon!